Monday, December 17, 2012

Where was God last Friday

In the aftermath of the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary school the question frequently being asked is  "Where was God in all of this?"

Let me attempt a feeble reply.

1) He wasn't in the school text books. Creation has been replaced by scientific evolution.

2) He wasn't in the school assemblies. Prayer and hymns have given way to daily announcements.

3) He wasn't in the Christmas celebrations: No creches or nativity scenes are allowed in federally funded schools.

4) His Holy Word was not engraved on the school walls. No copies of the Ten Commandments are allowed in public buildings.

5) The gospel was not taught in the class rooms of Sandy Hook. This would violate the concept of the separation of church and state.

Where was God on Friday?

He wasn't in the Sandy Hook school.He had been mandated to leave.

If you have a better answer please let us know.


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