Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Breaking old habits


The Red Indians sure got their revenge for the loss of their land when they introduced the colonists to tobacco.

A plague worse than 'Black Death' was brought to England when Walter Raleigh came back smoking a pipe from Jamestown in 1600.

Now, if you are a smoker, how to quit?

Trudy, my travel agent would stand outside her office in 20 below winds to catch a few puffs. One day I asked her if she wanted to quit.

"Sure" she replied "But how?"

I explained a little of how human beings work by penalty and incentive and that, if she continued to smoke she would not likely see her grand-children. (penalty) On the other hand, if she saved all the money she was burning in cigarettes she could buy a new car!

Furthermore, I said that I would pop in and see every other day to keep her focused on quitting. I also employed the secret weapon of PRAYER.

Quit she did.

Now, three years later she is driving a new car and she has gone up a size in her dresses!



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