Sunday, January 6, 2013

Five decisions that have doomed America.

Here we have a mini-series that looks at five court or government legislations that have put America on the path to perdition.

The Scopes Monkey trial  of 1925, held in the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, opened the door to the teaching of scientific evolution over Biblical Creationism in the schools of America.

Although Thomas Scopes, a public school teacher, lost his case and was fined for teaching evolution in a state funded school, the adverse media blitz that followed, ridiculed the Bible-based education system of Tennessee.

Within three decades evolution was being taught ALONGSIDE the Genesis account of creation and, shortly thereafter, it became ILLEGAL to teach creationism in the public schools of America. 

Thus, within fifty years of LOSING the case, scientific evolution replaced biblical creation in the text books of American public schools.

It should of course be noted that back in 1925 there had never been a school shooting, drugs were not a problem, armed guards were posted at prisons and not at school gates and America led the world in its classroom stats.

A coincidence? You decide.



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