Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Boston Bombers

When the bombs exploded at the end of the Boston Marathon I remarked to my wife that those responsible would have unpronounceable names and be radical Islamists.

Pauline, with her usual sense of fair play, replied "We'll have to  wait and see"

We were not kept waiting for long.

Two brothers from Chechnya, both radicalized Muslims, one dead and the other presently chained to his hospital bed were the terrorists responsible for the barbarous deed.

Born at the outbreak of the second world war, by the time I was five years old I knew who the enemy were. They were Germans, Japanese and Italians. That kept the formula very simple in my juvenile mind. Just as clear to me was the fact that this enemy needed to be defeated.

The clarity that belonged to a five year old child seems to have evaded the politicians, media heads and other experts who talk in grand and vague terms about "The war on terror." "International Jihad", "fringe fanatics" and so on.

Let's not be fooled by airy, antiseptic, 'politically correct' vernacular.

The teenage terrorist currently in his hospital bed is an enemy of the state, and should not be read his Miranda rights
He also represents the real and implacable enemy of our Christian freedoms and culture; RADICAL ISLAM.

Failing to recognize this fact is nothing short of imbecility.


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