Monday, April 29, 2013

The English Channel...La Manche.

This week will see Mark and me crossing the English channel, referred to by the French as "La Manche"

You may say ' no big deal'; however, the Channel HAS been a 'big deal' in shaping the history of the English speaking peoples.

Last crossed by an invasion force in the year 1066, this 25 mile- wide body of water has helped preserve and protect a special race of people for close to a thousand years.

In their time Spanish, French and German forces planned invasions across the channel and all in their turn were successfully repulsed.

Thus, the unimpeded development of the unique British culture was assured.

Within the borders of this diminutive island were birthed the English language (the lingua franca of the whole world), British evangelical Christianity, the two tier system of government, the British justice system and the global sport of soccer.

If you speak English today, enjoy the freedoms of democracy, rejoice in the faith of Christ and follow soccer and cricket, in a very real way you have the English Channel to thank for it.



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