Monday, April 15, 2013

The great battle of Waterloo 1815

For twenty years England had been at war with France. This was a direct spillover from the French Revolution.

 Danton, Robespierre and his gang had overthrown the monarchy, disestablished the church and instituted an atheistic republic. They now wished to propagate their special brand of "liberty" throughout Europe.

Their new leader was a godless, egotistical genius called Napoleon.

For over a decade he had regarded England as his principal foe and the matter of supremacy was to be decided outside the Belgian village of Waterloo in the year of 1815.

The protestant powers were led by General Arthur Wellington assisted by Prussian and Dutch forces numbering 80,000 men. 

Napoleon was the head of a slightly smaller force.

In two weeks time, Mark and I will walk the battlefield and marvel at the victorious outcome that established England as the major military and moral power in Europe.

I think we  need to realize that, had the outcome of the Battle of Waterloo been settled in favor of Napoleon, we would all be leading different lives today

By such events the destiny of nations is decided.



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