Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Mother Shipton

Here is part two of Mother Shipton's prophetic poem, plus a new portrait. 1498

I have received several comments on this blog. I am sure that if you wish for the transcript in full you will be able to pick it up from the inter-net.
Part 2.

"In water iron then shall float, as easy as wooden boat.
Gold shall be found in streams and stone in land that is as yet unknown.
Water and fire shall wonders do, (steam power) and England shall admit the Jew.

The Jew that once was held in scorn shall of a Christian then be born (Benjamin Disraeli)
A house of glass shall come to pass (crystal palace),in England but alas, alas!
A war will follow with the work where dwells the pagan and the Turk. (WW1)

The states will lock in fiercest strife, and seek to takes each other's life.
When North shall thus divide from South, the eagle builds in lion's mouth.
Then tax and blood and cruel war shall come to every humble door."

Makes you think, doesn't it?

Final part tomorrow.



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