Tuesday, October 22, 2013

America: the most virulent of all addictions

It may not come as a surprise when I tell you that the addiction that is causing more destruction, death and havoc in  American society is not heroine or ecstasy or pills of any sort, but alcohol. 

Plain and simple.

I had a grandfather, who was the soul of kindness but who had afflicted his family with the curse of drink. Therefore, my mother warned me against the evil effects of liquor from my earliest days.
I listened to her.

Contrast some of the "funny" jokes about inebriation with the words of an early pioneer for temperance:

"I am not so think as you drunk I am" John Squire

"Who says that I am under the affluence of incahol?" oft quoted 

"I'm no alcoholic. I'm a drunkard.The difference is, drunkards don't go to meetings"   Jackie Gleason.

 And now this lady, Eliza "mother" Smith.

"No power on earth or above the bottomless pit has such influence  to terrorize and make cowards of men as the power of liquor.
Satan could not have fallen on  a more potent instrument with which to enslave the minds  of men. Alcohol is King."

I think that we should have Eliza as a guest speaker at some of the political conventions and business conferences that are so popular these days.
Or maybe, just maybe, she would spoil the party!


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