Friday, October 18, 2013

America then and now.

My library has diminished in the last year as I have unloaded books to various friends.
Two I have kept for re-reading: "The Seven deadly sins" (a modern perspective) and the "Treasury of Puritan thought"

Let me bring some contrasts to bear; quotations from the Founding Fathers of America and their modern day progeny in the 21st century.

Concerning covetousness.

John. D. Rockefeller: 

  "Riches are a gift from Heaven which signify "Thou art my Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."

and the response of a preacher in the 1600's.

"Christianity teaches me that what I give charitably when I am alive, I carry with me when I am dead. The worldling knows nothing of this.His corpse shall carry only his winding sheet to his grave, but I shall be richer UNDER the earth than I was above it.



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