Monday, October 14, 2013

American Debt. The Fat man among the Nations

With a full third of America's population overweight, adults, children and seniors included, it should be no surprise that the U.S. Government has followed suit in its extravagant consumption and bloated programs. 

Tomorrow, after two weeks of shut down in Congress, the dreaded moment arrives when the debt ceiling must be raised (yet again, again) .Failing to do so will put the nation into default for the first time in its 250 year old history.

Shock waves will be felt around the entire global economy.

"Let it happen" is the opinion of at least half the lawmakers in Congress.

Their thinking has a stark logic to it.

With an astronomical national debt of 17 trillion dollars, they say it is better to go on a crash diet now, than to wait until 5 years from now when the nation will be bed-ridden with 10 trillion dollars more in over-load.

The Bible, as always, gives us simple and clear warnings and instructions.

Pay your bills today. Don't borrow money to pay off already borrowed money. If you fail to take heed, the House of the Tormentors awaits you. (Matt 18).

Enjoy your glass of skimmed milk.


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