Thursday, October 10, 2013

Higgs and his bosons

This week Peter Higgs has been awarded the Nobel prize in particle Physics. He and fellow scientist,  Francois Englert, developed the theory that most of the universe is made up of dark(invisible) force,a strange energy seemingly without mass to accompany it. 

To prove his theory that there MUST be particles somewhere in this energy field an atom smasher was constructed in central Europe. It is the biggest machine in the world (thirty kilometers in circumference) created to detect the smallest of all particles. Cost of all this? 
20 billion dollars.
The missing invisible particle has become known as the "God" particle.

Think of this.

 My New Testament is 6 inches long by 4 inches wide.
It tells me in the Book of Colossians that the universe was created by the Word of God, is superintended by His power and held together by His Spirit.
This little Bible cost fourteen dollars.
Through reading it I found not the "God Particle" but God Himself.

Now you tell me which is the best deal?



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