Saturday, November 23, 2013

President Kennedy and C.S.Lewis.

A fiftieth memorial that probably escaped us was the death of C.S. Lewis, the eminent Christian academic and writer, who died on the same day as J.F.K.
Like Kennedy, Lewis was a statesmen; a statesmen for the Kingdom of God. (Is is surprising, then, that his death passed almost unnoticed?)
But,  "He being dead yet speaketh" His voice still lives on in major works like "Mere Christianity", "The Screw Tape Letters",
"Surprised by Joy"and "Four Kinds of Love": all books that had a profound effect on me in my formative years as a christian.
His  "Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" (which became a block buster movie) also have impacted another generation for Christ.

Lewis had keen insight into people and an irrepressible sense of humor.
At Magdalen College, Cambridge, he was a professor of classics.
His tenure corresponded with that of a friend of mine, Jack Kane.
Jack was a student in the same residence as Lewis. One night Jack returned to his dorm a little the worse-for-wear from the local pub. Since he was in an attic, four floors up from the wash room, Jack emptied his bladder through his small bedroom window.
The professor's room was directly beneath him.
Lewis opened his lecture the following morning by remarking:

"Raining rather heavily last, Mr Kane!"

Always room for a smile in the Kingdom Of God.


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