Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Christmas:The New D.N.A..

We will forgive Mary for asking the Angel Gabriel exactly how she was going to bear a child since she had had no relationship with a man.

The Angel replied: "Simple. God will do this by His power and wisdom. For with Him NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE"
Mary embraced the word from the Angel and nine months later gave birth to a Son with "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD" stamped into His genetic make-up.

Thirty years later He was healing the sick, opening the eyes of the blind and raising the dead by way of proof.

I have listened to the positive-thinking gurus, the Tony Robbins, the Brian Tracey's and others of like ilk. None of them has remotely approached the glorious promise of Jesus Christ that we could have his DNA spliced into ours. That we could, indeed, be the "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE" people. (Mark 9:23)

The Virgin Mary gladly believed the promise of God.This Christmas you can do the same, receive the Lord Jesus into your heart and enroll with the "all things are possible' people.


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