Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Keep your hands off Christmas.

Without a doubt Christmas is my favorite time of the year.Sixty some years ago it was about my unrestrained eagerness to get my hands on whatever gifts were coming my way.
But times have changed.
My joy these days is in the clearest of understandings of the miracle of God's gift, to myself and all mankind, of His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. The wonder of it all dawns with renewed freshness upon my heart as this most blessed of Christian Feast days approaches.

I say "Christian", for this is what Christmas is, a holy day with Christ at the very heart of it.

If the pagans, commercialists, secularists, capitalists and their ilk wish to bow down to the Molech of Materialism, by all means let them.
But let them also name their own feast day and celebrate at a different time of the year to those of true faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Let them "Keep their hands off Christmas", leave the creches in the market squares, the teaching of the traditions in our school rooms,
The carols on the radio and "Merry Christmas" banners in the malls and object not to lawn signs that proclaim:


For we defy anyone to provide proof that He isn't.



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