Sunday, December 8, 2013

Nelson Mandela 1918 - 2013

We say farewell to a noble and courageous warrior for his cause.

In so far as Mandela strove to be a peace maker among men he must surely be registered in Matthew Chapter 5, as numbered among the children of God (Matthew 5:9).
He will not be remembered for his soaring oratory, his wise sayings or for his consummate skills as a politician; what set Mandela apart, as a statesman of international stature, was the GREATNESS of his HEART.
He emerged from the darkness of 27 years of sordid incarceration like a diamond emerging from the darkness and  pressure of the Kimberly mine.
 He came forth from his imprisonment not bitter but BETTER.
He came forth not calling his countrymen to retaliation but pleading for RECONCILIATION. 
In so far as that is true, Mandela became the greatest gem that South Africa has ever produced.
When I was visiting Capetown I heard one of Mandela's quotes.

He likened his country to a zebra. "Shoot it in the black stripe;it will die. Shoot it in the white stripe;it will still die. My brethren to live together we must learn to love and to forgive."

Could any man have expressed South Africa's challenge more perfectly or lived the life of reconciliation more convincingly?



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