Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sochi. Let the games begin

I watched the opening ceremonies for the Sochi winter games and I was impressed.
Not only was the venue stunning but everything associated with this mega-event was accomplished with excellence.
Give credit where it is due. The person who lobbied for this Black Sea location  seven years ago was Vladimir Putin and it was this man who directed 50 billion dollars in national resources to make it happen.

 Putin has run a gauntlet of criticism from the West claiming that he is homophobic and has systematically suppressed minorities within the Russian federation.
But let the man speak for himself.

He made it clear from the outset, that the Russian Olympics were to be a show case for the athletic abilities of the young people of the world not a stage for homo-sexual propaganda.

In a speech to the Duma, addressing the issue of minority pressure groups (Muslim and homo-sexual) he said:

"Russia does not need minorities; minorities need Russia. Nor will we grant special privileges when they yell 'discrimination'. We will not tolerate disrespect for our Russian heritage and culture"

Concerning the civil war in Syria, where he has backed the Assad government, he has said:

 "While everyone speaks about the battle between the Muslims nobody has been concerned about the slaughter of Christians. Russia sees itself as their guardian."

Right there the man has my vote.



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