Thursday, April 3, 2014

Flight to Nowhere

Flight 370. Honesty at last. The best brains in the world now admit that they "DON'T KNOW".

As the search is called off in the South Atlantic theories are now emerging that the loss of Flight 370 was a criminal act. The plane was taken GRADUALLY off course, a turn made in such a way that the passengers were UNAWARE of it.
This puts me in mind of the mysterious journey of Planet Earth. That we are all headed somewhere is agreed upon by most members of the human race. But as to our co-ordinates and trajectory, nobody has a clue. We are all passengers on the Third Rock from the sun heading through the darkness of Space to who knows where?
Easter comes late this year, but in a few days Christians will be celebrating the immortal work of Jesus on the Cross and His resurrection from the dead three days later.
His message in a nut-shell is this: 
"The whole of humanity is headed for oblivion: no co-ordinates, no clue as to final destination. Satan has taken over the controls. However, I have come to rescue the situation. Whoever commits themselves to me, I will grant safe passage to where you need to be.It is a guarantee that you will make your home in Heaven. But take advantage of your free passport  NOW.  It is stamped "SALVATION". Don't leave Earth without it.


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