Sunday, May 4, 2014

Missing in the Jungle..

The numbers are eerily similar. 270 souls were lost when flight M.H. 370 disappeared over the Indian ocean six weeks ago.
This week 276 children, all girls, were abducted from their school in Nigeria.
Within a day of the Malaysian flight being reported missing a massive aerial, sea and satellite search was begun that continues to this day: the approximate cost of this scouring of land and sea now approaching $500,000,000 .
Since the girls were abducted the response has been glacial. No other nations have been called to help and time is of the very essence.
Boko Haram, which roughly translated means, "we hate western education", is the Islamic group responsible for this unconscionable crime. They are a sect of fanatical, cold blooded killers whose religion swears hatred to all things western but allows them to auction these teenage girls into slavery and forced marriage.
If satellites, aerial reconnaissance and all other modern means can be used to detect the wreckage of an aircraft at sea, it is beyond comprehension that such means could not detect this bunch of renegades marauding in the bush with their helpless captives.
Or maybe it isn't so unbelievable. The victims in this case are black, poor, female and from an obscure part of the earth where life is considered cheap. But if Jesus said "Woe unto them who harm or abuse the smallest of my children" someone WILL PAY either in this world or the next.


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