Monday, August 18, 2014

Another Miracle.

If there is one thing better than a miracle its two.
In my post last week I recounted a recent miracle that had taken place in the healing of a lady with cancer.
Let me tell you of another one.
Numerous years ago David, my brother-in-law, was prostrated with a lower back problem. This persisted for many weeks and resulted in him being confined to bed. Eventually the doctor booked him into Winchester hospital to undergo an operation.
My sister Anne, phoned me the day before and asked for special prayers.
It was a Sunday and I had people join hands after evening service and launch off our faith in the general direction of England for healing for David. The next morning, just before he was due for surgery, the pain disappeared. The presiding nurse called for the surgeon who told David to go home before he used his scalpel on him.
And home he went  and returned to work where his colleagues gave him the sobriquet "The Miracle Man."

Thereafter David has led walking tours all over England, plays a mean game of golf  and  lives pain-free in his home in Southampton. Call him anytime and he will tell you his story.

