Monday, August 25, 2014


We can all breathe a sigh of relief. The latest pronouncement from the body that studies world climate tells us that the warming cycle that was a threat to the planet is officially over. In fact the 'pause ' began in 1998 and will not commence again until 2030.
Professor Ka-Kit Tung, the noted climatologist from Washington University, and his counter-part Refo Knutti from Berlin have spoken. The great Pacific Ocean, the driver of world temperatures, has gone into a period of inversion and the deeper waters have now risen to the surface to cool off the sweating earth.
Really, as if we didn't know this already. 
In Canada we endured the coldest winter for 60 years and have just suffered a lousy summer that reminded us of being back in England, our home and native land.
In the Victorian era Lord Hardinge wrote in a pithy letter to Lord Curzon, the Vice-regent of India:

"Really Curzon, you must learn to suffer fools more gladly, after all they constitute the majority of the world's population."

It could well be so, but as far as the voodoo scientists are concerned, absolutely true.

