Saturday, August 30, 2014

The latest six-shooter

Incomprehensible, imbecilic, loony-tunes, unconscionable, brain-gonzo:  we run out of vocabulary. In Arizona this week, a six year old girl shot her gun instructor dead while he was teaching her how to fire an Uzi machine gun.

 A mere six and a half years earlier this child was in her mother's womb; five days ago she was at a firing range with a loaded sub-machine gun in her hands. Not a barbie doll, not a teeny make-up set but a SUB MACHINE GUN.

This child will not be allowed to pray in school, will not be taught from the Bible in her school. This Christmas she will not be allowed to sing carols in her class,  BUT it was just fine for her to turn up for lessons on how to use an Uzi machine gun.

Next week is my 75th birthday and I have lived long enough to say that a world that forsakes the love of God in Jesus Christ is a world that will go stark raving mad.
Will some one out there please agree with me?
