Thursday, October 30, 2014

How much do we really care?

In a recent experiment conducted in France, an actor dressed in the poorest of clothes, took an apparent heart attack on a busy street.
He lay there, supine and unmoving for a full fifteen minutes while the crowds continued to walk past him, oblivious to his fate.
At the end of this time he rose to his feet, took off his tuque and, 'Hey Presto' was alive again, but with the point proved.

The question is an obvious one. Could that be you or me lying on the side-walk, and would we ourselves be among the crowd that walked by on the other side?
In Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan, the man set upon by thieves was helped by a stranger. 2,000 years later in our kinder, gentler society not ONE person stopped to help a fellow traveler in distress.
We sure have come along way in our Brave New World of Social Darwinism.

