Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Breaking news today which, the presiding surgeon described as, "more important than a man walking on the moon"

For the first time ever, a severed spinal cord has been bridged using cell strips from the olfactory organ of the nose.
Darak Fidyka, who was paralysed after a knife attack is back walking again under his own power.
The transplant operation was performed in Poland under the guidance of a scientist, Geoff Raisman from university College London.
After seeing the patient upright and walking with the aid of a mobile frame, he declared; "This opens a door that was never open before. We are looking at something historic"
I was brought up on accounts of how Jesus made the lame to walk. Ever since I have hoped that God would give men a breakthrough in their knowledge of how to reconnect a severed spinal cord.
Yesterday it happened.
If I am excited, just think about the 3 million people in wheel-chairs world wide.

In his interview Fidyka exclaimed  "It's like being born again!"

Now where have we heard that before!

