Monday, November 10, 2014

And the wall came tumbling down!

Twenty five years ago today the Berlin Wall tumbled down... figuratively and then literally. On that day, the head of the East German security gave permission to the long imprisoned citizens of East Berlin to visit the Western Sector of the city and then return to paradise in the East. He probably expected that the folk would go on a sight-seeing tour to the Brandenburg Gate and be safely in their beds that same night.
Instead, like the Biblical Exodus of old, thousands streamed across the border  under the gaze of the astonished guards, linked up with their long distanced cousins and began a revolution that finally brought about the collapse of the old Soviet Union.

Freedom is a glorious thing for those who enjoy it. The loss of it brings the most exquisite ache to the human heart.
The next time we sing "O Canada" and repeat the words "God keep our land glorious and free," consider the price that was paid for that to take place in our own great country.

