Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Hail the New Year. 2015

Ken, my friend from Toronto, sent me this little beauty by way of an encouraging word for the New Year.
Does it look familiar?
I used this illustration at a men's meeting last Saturday when I was speaking on setting godly goals for 2015.
If only we could follow through on all the resolutions that we made on December 31st.
The Bow-flex exercise equipment company has gone into overtime selling their latest work-out products. They start at a modest $1,000:00 and go up from there, depending on the number of bells and whistles that are added.
Some one wryly remarked "Wait until June and you will be able to pick one up for $250:00 in the second-hand shop"
Ah, how true. Jesus said "The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak."
Nevertheless, keep pedaling my friend and by God's grace we will be a little nearer the finish line by December 31st 2015.