Wednesday, February 11, 2015

When your Helicopter gets shot down!

 Today we read that Brian Williams, America's most popular news anchor, has been suspended for six months without pay.
He had fabricated a story about being shot down by an R.P.G. while riding in a helicopter during the Iraq war.
The loss of half a year's pay will not affect the family budget since he was due to make ten million dollars in 2015. Now he will only make five million.
What WILL cause deep suffering to himself and his loved ones is the tarnish upon his good name and the loss of credibility he now carries as a purveyor of honesty and balanced broad casting.
That commodity is PRICELESS and cannot be measured in dollars and cents.
Oh, Brian what WERE you thinking?
Your helicopter has now been well and truly shot down.
Your story, nevertheless, is a timely warning to all of us who are riding through life's journey. A lie, a rash act born of anger, a capitulation to temptation, a moment of madness that leads to infidelity and our own helicopter is in flames.
Today Saint Paul has a word in season for listening hearts:
"Let him that standeth take heed lest he fall."
I don't think that this needs further embellishment.