Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Israel. Bibi does it again!

Today,against all odds, Bibi Netanyahu and his Likud party pulled off a stunning electoral victory in Israel. I say "against all odds" because it had been widely and confidently predicted by the pollsters that his era was over: the left wing Zionists were going to trounce him. But, lo today, he will be Israel's longest serving prime minister.
Not only is his triumph in defiance of the polls, it is also in defiance of the European Union and the Obama administration in the United States. Bibi has thumbed his nose at the concept of a two state solution with the Palestinians, has promised to accelerate new housing projects in East Jerusalem and has put Iran on notice that there will be no nuclear bomb produced by them on his watch.
This has further isolated Israel from the rest of the 'international community' and left this tiny country with virtually no friends: no friends, that is, except God and the evangelical church community around the world.
In the end that coalition will be sufficient for, when the battle of Armageddon begins, (read about it in 2 Thessalonians 2) that little nation will once again come out on top.
It pays to be called "the chosen people"
Jubilate .