Friday, March 6, 2015

Nimrud.How Isis takes on the Chaldeans.

Well nobody can say that ISIS (The Islamic State) is a respecter of persons. Having beheaded just about all whom they have captured; Christian and Muslim alike, they have now got to work on the priceless and irreplaceable statues of ancient Babylon.

With the help of drills, hammers and saws they have dismembered artifacts that go back 3,000 years in time to the days of King Ashurbanipal, emperor of the Chaldeans. He, too in his day, had a nasty habit of cutting of the limbs of his captives and, it seems, that what goes around comes around. If reports are true, statues of the old king have been decapitated.
There has been outrage in the intellectual and archaeological community at such desecration, prompting calls from this usually peaceful conclave, for a swift annihilation of ISIS.
"Isn't  it strange" remarked my wife, Pauline, "that the scholars who were silent when Christians had their heads lopped off are now calling for retribution after the martyrdom of King Ashurbanipal."
Yes, indeed, it is a mysterious world but if all acts of man's inhumanity to man are recorded (and they are) ISIS will do well to note the wrath of the world's museum curators. They are now on their "MOST WANTED" list.

