Sunday, March 22, 2015

The King is dead: Long live the King!

They buried him today in Leicester Cathedral 530 years after he was killed at the battle of Bosworth field; King Richard third I'm speaking about.
The man who was famously quoted as crying in his final moments:
"A horse, a horse! My kingdom for a horse"

There was to be no horse. Richard was cut down where he stood and his body was transported back to Leicester where he was buried in an unmarked grave.
He lay there undisturbed until two years ago when a historian, acting on a hunch, dug up a city car-park and there was the King, with his legendary twisted spine, waiting for his royal due, a crown and a state funeral, albeit somewhat delayed.
I say this to emphasize a point: it is this: "God's delays are not His denials"
530 years for King Richard and, lo he appears, a little the worse for wear but still King Richard.
For King Jesus, crucified in Jerusalem and last seen disappearing into the clouds, with his final  words "I'LL BE BACK", it is 2,000 years and counting.
Keep watching my friends, if King Richard could be crowned 530 years after his death, the imminent coronation of Jesus Christ is an absolute certainty. Just make sure you have accepted your invitation to be there.