Monday, May 18, 2015

Bye, Bye Bank Notes.

Take a long, last, loving look at the money in your wallet.
Serious moves are now underway to force a transition from all paper transaction to electronic currency only.
Where would these political pressures be coming from? Where else but Europe, that bastion of progressive, liberal thought.
Economists in the E.U. are forecasting the end of that outdated paper-money and currency by 2030. Electronic money will be the only game in town by then.
A couple of days ago the Danish government compiled a draft law that would allow restaurants, fuel stations and smaller businesses  to refuse paper money.
This week, in preparation for a G 7 financial summit, Rolf Bofinger, a top German economist, told the Speigel News weekly that bank notes and metal coins were an anachronism which had to be overcome sooner or later.
So Brave New World bring it on. Either get your hand prepped for an intra-dermal chip or look for a place where you can stow your gold and silver bars. There isn't going to be much else to choose from if you want to stay in business.
But why should this be a surprise to us? It was all written in Revelation Chapter 9,  2000 years ago, if we choose to read it.