Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The End of a Bad Idea.

There was a ruling passed by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) last week that will ban all trans-fats from America's food shelves by 2018. 
Whoopty Doo! 
After extensive research the Health Tzars have finally concluded that trans-fats( the equivalent of metabolic poison) have been responsible for an untold number of heart attacks and strokes over the last thirty years.
Now they will be banned from all processed food.
With an innocuous name such as "hydrogenated oils" what could possibly be wrong with this agent?
A lot. 
By a process of chemical reactions, the hydro-carbon chains of vegetable oils are altered and synthetic fat is introduced into foods such as ice-cream, margarines and pizzas that the body cannot digest. Good cholesterol is suppressed, bad cholesterol is increased, arteries are coated with plaque and suddenly we have a heart put into crisis.
I am particularly aware of this lethal formula since my good friend, Ron, died of a heart attack a year ago. In his early sixties, Ron was a superb artist, builder of heritage log houses, a yachtsman and a prince among men. The early morning call that I received in July last year left me with a sense of shock and loss that still lives with me to this day. It has also been a stimulus for me to write this current series on health.
READ THE LABELS. They have not WILLINGLY been put on your packaged food. "Big Food" was compelled to label their products by law and, with the current trends of cardiac, kidney and liver diseases, there is going to be a lot more legislation coming their way in the near future.
