Saturday, July 11, 2015

Going to Pluto. New Horizons.

Want a break from all the madness of planet Earth? Go to Pluto, the farthest out of all the planets of our solar system. So far it has taken the explorer satellite, New Horizons, nine years  to make the five billion mile journey.
Now, with it's single eye, the space probe will be beaming its first close images back to earth. So far everything looks serene and quiet, no activity, no volcanoes, no spouting geysers, no clouds: nothing. But what else would anyone expect from a piece of rock so cold that it would liquefy nitrogen?

No, it's on the third rock out from the sun that the action is really taking place. I'm talking about planet earth, the abode of human beings. This is the planet that had a visitation from the Creator of All Things a few centuries ago and left the inhabitants with a message.

It went something like this: "You people have truly messed things up.  The whole world is in rebellion against Me and my government. Nevertheless, I am sending my Son Jesus Christ to die on a cross for you all. If you will hand your disobedient lives over to Him, I will grant you a free pardon and you can all come to live with Me on the planet that really counts. It is called Heaven."
Any takers?

