Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Here in Canada we have been involved in an election campaign for the last 8 weeks. We are now entering the home stretch with voting day planned for the 19th October.

Until this week, the three major parties were deadlocked in the polls on issues like the economy, the environment and foreign policy, but now the log jam seems to have broken and the Conservatives are pulling ahead.
What was the reason? Why, the simple question of whether to allow Muslim women to wear a full niqab veil at their swearing-in ceremony as Canadian citizens.
"Show your face!" says the prime-minister, Mr Harper.

 Mulcair and Mr. Trudeau say " To do so is a violation of your rights and freedoms. Keep your veil on."
Maybe so, but in Quebec 90 % of the people think other wise and are about to hand the election to the Conservatives on that one single issue.

Strange how massive events can turn on the smallest of fulcrums.
It may be that after October 19th it will be Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Mulcair that will be looking for a veil to cover their faces because by then there will plenty of egg on them.

