Sunday, April 17, 2016

Boko Haran or Oko Harem

Time passes quickly, unless you are one of the mothers of the 300 Nigerian school girls who were abducted by Boko Haran two years ago this week. 
For the mothers of these unfortunate girls it has been a protracted nightmare. What has happened to their daughters? Where are they? What atrocities and what indignities have been inflicted upon them? And what exactly have the Nigerian government done to rescue their unhappy subjects?
Inaction and ineptitude aside, think about the title that their kidnappers have given themselves. "BOKO HARAN". Which means "Down with Western education"
While we may have our own doubts about the shortcomings of our school system think about the alternative of this Nigerian Islamic sect.  "OKO HAREM"   Which means "These are our women"
Our women to sell as sex slaves, our women to coerce into forced marriage, our women to enslave, degrade, molest and debase at will.
In other words, our women to do what Islam has been doing to women for centuries.
And yet this is the religion that our benighted leaders would have us believe is as good and enlightened as Christianity. 
Islam, a peaceful and loving alternative to the true Gospel of God that has brought such blessings and benefits to our western culture for the last millennia.
Give me a break!
Ladies, think long and hard when you next see some of your own gender shuffling down the street dressed head to toe in a black bag. Had it not been for the liberty and love of Christianity, that could have been you.
