Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Chernobyl. 30 years later.

It seems hard to believe that the Chernobyl disaster happened 30 years ago. 
On April 26th,1986, news began to break forth that things had gone wrong in the Ukraine.
Things often went wrong in the old Soviet Empire but most of the time we never heard about them happening because they were covered up. News of this crisis could not be suppressed.
There had been a melt down of the core of the nuclear power station at Chernobyl, in the Ukraine, and a vast cloud of radio active gas was beginning to drift across the earth.
And drift it did, steered by high level winds it eventually circled the globe dripping its deadly cargo in showers of poisonous rain wherever it went.
This event was only a precursor of what the Book of Revelation speaks about, when it tells of the vials of God's wrath being poured out upon the earth. I recommend that you read the passage yourselves from Chapter 16.
If you cannot fully understand the symbolism of these vials of God's anger be sure of the central point: it was not a good time to be alive upon the earth. The whole chapter reads like a Hollywood horror script.
So much for the bad news.
The good news that precedes this catastrophe is VERY good.
Namely the removal of Christ's people from the planet by an event called the "Rapture of the Church."
You can read about this as described by Paul in the 4th chapter of his Thessalonian epistle.
You can be part of this glorious moment by placing your full trust in the Lord Jesus Christ right now.
The alternative is to build a nuclear fall-out shelter and begin to stock it with canned soup and bottled water.
I recommend the former. It is a lot cheaper and a lot safer.
