Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The balancing act

Tuning in.

Has it ever occurred to you that when God put the balance mechanism in human beings, He placed it in the ear?

There is a snail-like spiral behind the ear drum called the cochlea.
Amazingly that tiny spiral keeps you and me walking upright.

This cochlea was not put in the chest, or leg or even in the brain.
It was placed in the ear. The place of the listening!

"Hear O Israel" is the prelude to the commandments.
"My sheep HEAR my voice" said Jesus "And they follow Me."

When God speaks He does not yell over the noise of the T.V. set.
His voice is "still and small." It is also an inward voice.

To hear that voice we need to find a quiet place and a have a quiet time, daily. If we do we will more easily keep our balance in a topsy-turvy world.

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