Thursday, February 10, 2011

Egypt yesterday, today and tomorrow

Good morning my friends. This is my final post. I hope you have enjoyed reading them as much as I have writing them.

I just glanced at the mirror. Same familiar face, but the reflection is a lie. It’s backwards. Everyone sees the real me, except me. I hold up another mirror and reflect the reflection. It’s me, unfamiliar, but real. One mirror reflects, the second corrects. 

The TV camera is one mirror in Egypt. It reflects a familiar
enemy. We fear the chaos.

My first glimpse of Egypt was at thirty five thousand feet over the delta where the Nile meets the sea. Blue water, green farms, white desert. Lovely. I was pretty high up, so maybe that’s how God sees it, too.

Isaiah wrote, “the Lord will make himself known to the Egyptians, and they will know the Lord”.  He followed with “Blessed be Egypt, my people”. (Isaiah 19).

God’s viewpoint is like a second mirror. It reverses everything.  Enemy becomes family. Love replaces fear. One mirror reflects, the second corrects.


And when will all this come to pass? Perhaps in the near future, perhaps in the millenium. But it is to this end we should pray, for in this intercession we surely pray for the word of prophecy and the will of God to come to pass.



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