Monday, February 14, 2011

Islam: Yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Last Thursday in Paris, President Sarkosy declared multiculturalim to be a broken, social experiment.

He was referring to the large muslim population that has failed to integrate into the French society.

His remarks follow similiar revelations from other European leaders (Angela Merkel, David Cameron and Juan Aznar) who have proclaimed multiculturalism to be a total failure.

The penny seems to have dropped....... at last.

If these European leaders had consulted before hand with any one with knowledge of the Islamic faith, they would have never embarked upon their myopic immigration policy.

They would have been told that a muslim's loyalty is to the "One Nation of Islam" before any patriotism to the host country in which they may reside.

To invite large populations of Muslims into the House of the West is not to produce a happy, homogenous family, but rather to have a house divded by dysfunction and quarrel.

You don't believe me ? Phone Nicolas Sarkosy.

What is the solution, since in Canada, as elsewhere, the folks are already here?

PREACH CHRIST. You may be killed for your conviction, but at least you will have a martyr's crown in heaven instead of 70 virgins somewhere else!


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