Sunday, March 27, 2011

This week: sayings that have helped change my life.

Travelling along Wavertree Road in Liverpool England in the 1960's I read the inscription over the door of the Public Library. It was by Francis Bacon:

"Reading mayketh a full man, conversation mayketh a ready man and writing mayketh an exact man."

 I thought to myself, 'I'm pretty good at conversation but what of my reading? If I'm not well read what I have to say is just YAK YAK.'

Then I thought to myself  'If I  have not learned clarity through writing it's just BLAH BLAH.'

May God deliver us all from adding more hot air to global warming!

Having a daily breakfast post will assist anyone in the art of brevity.

About 100 words plus picture is not a grand-slam breakfast: it's an egg McMuffin and coffee to go. Nevertheless, if it puts an upward thought in some one's mind at the beginning of the day then the words are not wasted, and it's just possible that the fast food in the wrapper was from God.


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