Monday, March 21, 2011

Windows on God's world: history

It is true that we can only understand the future if we rightly interpret it's preceding history.

History is indeed HIS STORY and is a chronicle of God's Hand on the helm of the human race.

In the Book of Daniel we are given an astonishing insight into how true this is.

In Chapter 2 King Nebuchadnezzar has a vision of a metallic man. From the golden head to the iron and clay feet there is given a pictorial unfolding of coming events. The Babylonian, Median, Greek and Roman empires succeed one another, until we see the whole edifice collapse, destroyed by a stone "not cut out with hands".

Notice that point. The final act of the human drama will not be brought about by the power or volition of man, but by divine intervention in human affairs. Something that is "out of our hands".

That thought should give us great consolation. In the midst of uproar in the Middle East, tsunamis in Japan, nuclear threat from Iran and militant Islam, God's Hand is still on the helm of history and the Grand Finale will belong to Him.


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