Tuesday, March 22, 2011

windows on God's world. The cross.

Yesterday we were considering history and God's Hand on the Helm of human affairs. Today we look through the window of the cross of Christ.

The cross stands central in the narrative of mankind.
The early church had a saying: "Stat crux dum orbis volvitur."

Translation?     "Everything changes but the cross remains constant"

Count on it. Whether you pass three crosses on your way to work today, or you have a cross tattooed on your biceps or dangling from your rear view mirror or tagged to your rosary beads its symbol stands supreme in human history

The question is, have you truly given the cross your serious attention?

The early pigrims did. From Gethsemane along the Via Dolorosa to Calvary's hill they kneeled and prayed at the 14 stations of the cross. They had imperilled their lives to get to Jerusalem and they were not going home without an encounter with God in their hearts.
Today, as your point of meditation, consider John 3:16
"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son"
Ask the Lord to reveal the "SO" in "LOVED"

 You will find it hidden in the Cross of Christ.
  1. Ian

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