Tuesday, May 17, 2011

May Day May Day. Problems in Paradise

While Pauline and I were in Cuba we met Marty and his wife.

They had come over from England, a land of free enterprise, for the big May Day parade in Havana. They were there to celebrate 52 years of communist rule in Cuba.

Marty was an avowed socialist.

I asked Marty whether he found it odd that he was able to afford three weeks vacation to come on his pilgrimage, but that 90% of the Cuban people could only afford to ride a bicycle.

I then asked him what was there to celebrate in the May Day parade.

He was honest enough to confess that he did not know.
I then quoted Michel Gorbachev, former head of the USSR, who said " Communism has the most wonderful ideals in the world and would have transformed mankind WERE IT NOT FOR PEOPLE".

In the middle of a busy hotel I was able to pray with Marty that he would find peace with God through Christ, and enjoy power  to live a life that was based in reality not pure theory.

He has my email and I'll let you know if he calls me.


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