Monday, May 16, 2011

The Republic of Cuba

Pauline and I are back from our "Island in the Sun".

Fifty years after the revolution this little country is in penury.

This has been brought about not by the American embargo but by a bankrupt ideology, sterile of spiritual life and bereft of the innovation and initiative that brings prosperity to any people.

We found, as we always do, that the Cuban people are warm, generous, open-hearted, friendly and hungry for news of the wider world beyond their shores.

However, their universal lot is to be repressed by a regime that promised equally shared wealth but which has delivered equalised  poverty.

Ah that we who live in the West might connect the liberty and affluence that we enjoy to the goodness of God and to the immaculate gospel of Christ that emancipates and dignifies all who receive it!

Enjoy your day.


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