Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Staying healthy.

This morning I was watching my favorite sport, tennis, at Wimbledon.
Astonishing that "Grey Goose" Vodka was one of the main sponsors of this world renowned event.
Perhaps not.
With fresh supplies of Eastern bloc tennis stars arising and widening Russian followers of  the sport it makes sense that they would market the national Russian drink.

Don't be carried away by the "Grey Goose" and shots of willowy Russian Olgas sipping their vodka on ice.

This stuff has succeeded in knocking out a large part of the Russian economy and filled Moscow's streets with inebriates.

Yet, to listen to the vodka commercial you could believe that  success, glamour and joy is awaiting you in every bottle.

Like the lie of the devil in the Garden of Eden, heaven comes in the sweetest of voices but not in a relationship with God.

"Grey Goose" vodka.

Drink enough of it, or any hard liquor, and it will rot out your guts, crash your marriage, burn your money and leave you with a home under a bridge.

Here's to your health or, as they say in Russian, "NOSTRAVIA."


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