Monday, June 13, 2011

What is in a calendar?

Yesterday we spoke about 'whitsuntide'  as a day recorded on the English calendar.

In my own country of Canada a new calendar is taking shape.

Family Day, Ground Hog Day, St Valentines Day and Canada Day; a calendar from which all references to Christianity are being air-brushed out.

What a land-mark event to record in a nations history: 'Ground Hog Day'!

Maybe next year it will be 'Lady Ga-Ga Day'. 'Wayne Gretsky Day' or ' Harry Potter Day'.

Look at a calendar and you will find the milestones and memorials that have shaped the identity and formed the national consciousness of that country.

This year, if somebody says "Happy Turkey Day" instead of "Happy Thanksgiving" let them know that you are still old fashioned enough to give appreciation to God for all the blessings that He has bestowed upon you.

To forget that would make YOU the turkey.


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