Sunday, June 12, 2011

Meanings behind the Calendar

Today is Whit Sunday (incase you didn't know). The name comes from 'Whitsun' which means "White Sunday" a day when people were baptized in white garments.
Because the day falls 50 days after Easter it is also known as the day of 'Pentecost'.

In a secular society where historical and religious significance is of little importance it is worth noting that there would have been no church through the ages were it not for what happened on the first day of Pentecost.

We read in the second chapter of Acts: "They were all filled with the Holy Ghost. Tongues of fire appeared on their heads and they all spoke in different tongues."

Fire, power, Holy Spirit, miracles. They received what the black preacher called "A dose of the Ghost!"

To the sceptical mind it all seems a bit spooky. However, to those who have experienced their own personal Pentecost it is the very heartbeat and centre of their Christian faith.

Why not read the Book of Acts and find out more about 'The dose of the Ghost?'

It is something you can't get in a bottle or buy from Wal-Mart.


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