Thursday, July 14, 2011

And finally we have.....

They come and they go. Some stay longer and others go faster.
I'm talking about Latin American strong men and dictators.
The latest to arrive on the scene was Hugo Chavez; a devotee of Fidel Castro and a convinced marxist.

But it is astonishing how quickly a man's view of life and his demeanour changes with a bout of cancer.

Three months ago this Venezuelan master of bombast travelled to Cuba.
News eventually seeped out that he had had part of his large intestine removed and that he is due to return to Cuba next week for chemo therapy.

Now his fellow marxists have called for prayer and masses to be said to "The God of all Fraternity".(Quote from Daniel Ortega)

Ah! This is so far removed from Marx who declared religion to be the opiate of the masses.
Apparently in hospital Hugo ditched Das Kapital and called for his Bible.
He has found like so many others that if religion is the opiate of the masses, communism is the opiate of the asses!

Stay well.

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