Sunday, July 17, 2011

This week: the cure of the Gospel

The problem with Medi-care, as has been pointed out in the latest hand-wringing over balancing the U.S. budget, is that the money is not there.

Not to worry folks, the cures of the Gospel are free.

The oil and the wine of the Good Samaritan did the trick on his patient (and he even paid the hospital bill).

To the lonely, Christ has given the most amazing promise:
"Lo I am with you even unto the end of the world"

The population of the earth passed 7 billion this week. In the midst of the crush, the endless "Twitter", Face-book, Emails, mobiles and the rest of the gizmos, people live lonely lives and, sadly, die alone.

For years, David Livingstone laboured for God in the heart of Africa, the only white man for a thousand miles.

He was found dead upon his knees. His Bible was open and underlined was the verse "Lo I am with you unto the end of the World." 

In the margin Livingstone had penned:


A promise that was good to the last breath ..... for him and for all of us.

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