Wednesday, July 20, 2011

This week. The cure of the Gospel

When I was growing up sinners were a breed quite common upon the earth. They inhabited major cities in their millions, they were found at every level of society and in every conceivable country on the planet.

Nowadays they are almost on the endangered species list.

It is increasingly hard to find to find a genuine specimen. Like the DoDo bird and the plains bison they are becoming extinct.

Taking their place we have a whole brave new race of seekers, time travellers, rolfers, channelers, emissaries of divine light, yogi flyers, pilgrims in space and innumerable others in planetary motion but no sinners.

The mission statement of Christ is given in one verse:

"I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance."  Luke 5.

We have total confidence in the cure of Christ's immaculate crucifixion and of His precious redeeming blood for the chronic condition of sinners.

 But oh if we could only find one to administer the remedy!


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