Sunday, July 3, 2011

This week. Moral ambivalence.

If it wasn't David Cameron who coined the phrase, he has certainly used it, frequently and forcefully, saying that the fabric of English society cannot be preserved by 'moral ambivalence.'

Of particular grief to him are the polls which show that the traditional bonds of British society are unravelling at an alarming speed.

A nation that once held to the primacy of the family unit now has a 50% divorce rate among those that are married and increasing numbers of couples preferring a common law relationship.

Not only so, but the new avaunt-garde Britain is producing legions of children by un-wed mothers who would bridle at being told that their off spring bear the stigma of being illegitimate.

To such horrendous demographics Prime minister Cameron has said
 "No nation can build it's future on a foundation of moral ambivalence."

So far so good, but what is your solution Prime minister?

The two institutions that offer one are the church, declaring the gospel of Christ, and Islam that stridently preaches the restraints of the Koran.

I guess England will have to choose between Mohamed, Jesus or moral oblivion.

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